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That's a laugh... you, Imra Ranzz, Saturn Girl, a born Telepath, understanding love! Do you know what I used to call you when I was angry? You were The Ice Maiden, because you never showed any emotion. I always wondered why you bothered to marry Lightning Lad, certainly not because of love.
Blok, you're an old softie! Besides, don't be embarrassed. I thought you were cute. You go back to your your dusty history tapes, and I won't tell a soul... you sentimental old stone-face, you!
Excuse me, fellows-- just passing through.
No one notices me-- and that's exactly how I like it.
Everything hurts and something smells... dead...?
What about it, love-- How does it feel to be the only living Legionnaire enshrined in the Hall of Dead Heroes? We changed the Ultra Boy statue to one of Reflecto-- But it's still you.
We know that Invisible Kid and Myla are together at last -- for all eternity!
Superboy Vol 1 203 -
Legion of Super-Heroes Vol 2 314 -
Legion of Super-Heroes Vol 2 274 -
Legion of Super-Heroes Vol 2 282 -
Legion of Super-Heroes Vol 7 17
All items (7)