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This page contains a listing of notable quotes by Uncle Sam (New Earth).

Pages with a quote from this character will automatically be added here along with the quote.

(This template will categorize articles that include it into Category:Quotes.)

Quote1 The country needs me and I need you. It is an urgent matter of national security... Quote2

--Uncle Sam (New Earth)

Quote1 ' Quote2

--Uncle Sam (New Earth)

Quote1 This time we stay put...establish our new identities...and then we take this show of ours on the road--so we cn start looking for the Silver Ghost again! Quote2

--Uncle Sam (New Earth)

Quote1 Not so fast, sonny... I'm revokin' yer right ta bear arms! Quote2

--Uncle Sam (New Earth)

Quote1 Just take my hand, Samuel - - and you'll be possessed of unimaginable power and invincibility. You'll be as strong as America's belief in you - - and in itself! Quote2

--Uncle Sam (New Earth)

Quote1 I perceive, sir, that you and your companions intend to do me harm. I ask you to abandon such violent aims and sit with me for a discussion on matters of grave national importance. Don't be ridiculous. You can't arrest the spirit of America. Quote2

--Uncle Sam (New Earth)

Quote1 The name's Uncle Sam, and we got work ta do. Quote2

--Uncle Sam (New Earth)

Quote1 I have been having dreams, creator -- like random memories -- of myself here on Earth and on alien planets. What does this mean? Quote2

--Uncle Sam (New Earth)

Quote1 There's some folks as call me the Spirit of Liberty... but I'll letcha make up your own mind about that. Quote2

--Uncle Sam (New Earth)

Quote1 You witnessed the preservation of freedom at would could have been a terrible cost. Every American here is a genuine hero. you should get their story, not mine. Quote2

--Uncle Sam (New Earth)

Quote1 You're Freedom Fighters now... The days of unrestricted violence are over. Ya can walk if ya don't like it. Quote2

--Uncle Sam (New Earth)

Quote1 My fellow Americans, I know many of you are fearful after today's events-- Fearful of the specter of darkness that fell across this shining land! Let me tell you that that darkness has been banished-- That this nation's spirit is strong once again! The symbols of our heritage, our culture and our way of life that seemed to teeter on the brink, still stand on a firm foundation! But we who are entrusted with preserving America's proud traditions cannot afford to let our vigilance slacken. We must always remember the meaning of what we stand for... Because as long as we stand for the freedom of all mankind, we know that we will never stand alone! Quote2

--Uncle Sam (New Earth)

All items (12)
