This page contains a listing of all known appearances of the United Planets.
If you find an issue this organization appears in that is not shown here, please edit that issue adding "United Planets" in the cast variable field.
See Also: The United Planets gallery
If you find an issue this organization appears in that is not shown here, please edit that issue adding "United Planets" in the cast variable field.
See Also: The United Planets gallery
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All items (114)
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- Final Crisis: Legion of 3 Worlds Vol 1 3
- Future State: Legion of Super-Heroes Vol 1 1
- Future State: Superman vs. Imperious Lex Vol 1 1
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- Green Lantern Vol 6 6
- Green Lantern Vol 6 7
- Green Lantern Vol 6 8
- Green Lantern Vol 6 9
- Green Lantern Vol 6 10
- Green Lantern Vol 6 11
- Green Lantern Vol 6 12
- Green Lantern Vol 7 7
- Green Lantern Vol 7 8
- Green Lantern Vol 7 9
- Green Lantern Vol 7 10
- Green Lantern Vol 7 11
- Green Lantern Vol 7 12
- Green Lantern Vol 7 13
- Green Lantern Vol 7 14
- Green Lantern Vol 7 16
- Green Lantern Vol 7 17
- Green Lantern: Civil Corps Special Vol 1 1
- Green Lantern: War Journal Vol 1 1
- Green Lantern: War Journal Vol 1 2
- Green Lantern: War Journal Vol 1 4
- Green Lantern: War Journal Vol 1 5
- Green Lantern: War Journal Vol 1 10
- Justice League Vol 4 64
- Justice League Unlimited (TV Series) Episode: Far from Home
- Justice League vs. the Legion of Super-Heroes Vol 1 1
- Justice League vs. the Legion of Super-Heroes Vol 1 4
- Justice League vs. the Legion of Super-Heroes Vol 1 5
- Justice League: Last Ride Vol 1 3
- Justice League: Last Ride Vol 1 7
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- Legion of Super-Heroes Vol 2 273
- Legion of Super-Heroes Vol 2 290
- Legion of Super-Heroes Vol 2 294
- Legion of Super-Heroes Vol 2 297
- Legion of Super-Heroes Vol 2 298
- Legion of Super-Heroes Vol 2 299
- Legion of Super-Heroes Vol 2 305
- Legion of Super-Heroes Vol 2 307
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- Legion of Super-Heroes Vol 4 32
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- Legion of Super-Heroes Vol 4 54
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- Legion of Super-Heroes Annual Vol 4 7
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- Legionnaires Vol 1 34
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- Superboy and the Legion of Super-Heroes Vol 1 255
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