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DC Bullet 2024
This page contains a listing of notable quotes by Unknown Soldier II (New Earth).

Pages with a quote from this character will automatically be added here along with the quote.

(This template will categorize articles that include it into Category:Quotes.)

Quote1 Nice kid. Looks about eighteen. I was eighteen once. Quote2

--Unknown Soldier II (New Earth)

Quote1 You know your guys have died before you. What you don't know is -- I killed them all. I'm not the fifth US agent -- I'm the first. The only. The original. The Unknown Soldier. Quote2

--Unknown Soldier II (New Earth)

Quote1 Be real the man said. One man in the right place at the right time can make a difference. Oh, well... I am what I am, I suppose. Time to play hero. Quote2

--Unknown Soldier II (New Earth)

Quote1 She saved my life and risked her own by hiding me from some very bad people. That buys her about three days credit with me. It doesn't make her a saint. Quote2

--Unknown Soldier II (New Earth)

Quote1 All right, Wintley. This one's for the dog. Quote2

--Unknown Soldier II (New Earth)

Quote1 I haven't been a hero since Berlin. Now I'm just a soldier. Invisible. Invulnerable. Invincible. The war goes on. Quote2

--Unknown Soldier II (New Earth)

See: Unknown Soldier II (New Earth)


Quote1 You know your guys have died before you. What you don't know is -- I killed them all. I'm not the fifth US agent -- I'm the first. The only. The original. The Unknown Soldier. Quote2
The Unknown Soldier

All items (6)
