DC Database
DC Bullet 2024
This page contains a listing of notable quotes by Xiomara Rojas (Prime Earth).

Pages with a quote from this character will automatically be added here along with the quote.

(This template will categorize articles that include it into Category:Quotes.)

Quote1 I go by Crush, 'cuz that's what I do. Sometimes that gets me in trouble. But I like trouble. Quote2

--Xiomara Rojas (Prime Earth)

Quote1 I'm not sure if this is the bravest thing I've ever seen or the dumbest? Quote2

--Xiomara Rojas (Prime Earth)

Quote1 I came here looking for a lost friend. And I found her, after all this time. But I found something else, too... something I haven't felt in a long time. Quote2

--Xiomara Rojas (Prime Earth)

Quote1 I don't have friends. Or family. But I guess... I do have you guys. So yeah, whatever. We're a team. Quote2

--Xiomara Rojas (Prime Earth)

Quote1 It's possible being an alien means I'm allergic to the smell of vanilla candles and lavender body spray. Or I just hate everyone. Quote2

--Xiomara Rojas (Prime Earth)

Quote1 I'm here to see Lobo. I'm his kid. Quote2

--Xiomara Rojas (Prime Earth)

Quote1 I'm not 29Whatever! Quote2

--Xiomara Rojas (Prime Earth)

Quote1 You can't trust a Czarnian. We're the worst. Quote2

--Xiomara Rojas (Prime Earth)

Quote1 Welcome to the endless adventures of "I'm going to kill Lobo and that will solve all my problems." Quote2

--Xiomara Rojas (Prime Earth)

Quote1 Besides. I'm really good at dates. Quote2

--Xiomara Rojas (Prime Earth)

Quote1 Wait. What? Test subj--?! Quote2

--Xiomara Rojas (Prime Earth)

Quote1 It's Crush and Lobo, not Crush and learning. Quote2

--Xiomara Rojas (Prime Earth)

All items (12)
