DC Database
DC Database

Dryad v Dryads[]

Dryad is the page for the rock creatures. Dryads is for the fairies in The Atom. This category is mixed up. --Tupka217 11:03, June 24, 2014 (UTC)

I'd say it's working about the way it's intended since there's been a haphazard application of plural and singular naming for alien races and citizenship categories. Frankly I'd prefer they all get moved to singulars, but that's just makes the coding a bit easier.
That said, the only real work around would be for some one to fix the race coding to allow Cateogry:Dryad (Alien) and Cateogry:Dryad (Fairy) (or Fae) in the Character box.
- Byfield (talk) 12:08, June 24, 2014 (UTC)
Addendum: It also doesn't help that most of the League of Super-Assassins are human colonists who have their citizenship listed as Dryad...
- Byfield (talk) 12:10, June 24, 2014 (UTC)
As for the fairies, they only have one appearance, so we could also delete those if it gets problematic. As for the LSA, their citizenship would be United Planets, wouldn't it? --Tupka217 12:24, June 24, 2014 (UTC)
It's one of the inconsistencies of the Legion books - or at least how things get categorized in fandom. Both the UP and the planet are used, and more often the planet. Using the UP here though would simplify things considerably. - Byfield (talk) 22:49, June 24, 2014 (UTC)
It's the nationality. Just like Gim Allon isn't Martian, he's from a Martian colony. --Tupka217 19:16, June 25, 2014 (UTC)