DC Database

Quote1 What makes you feel like you deserve to be safe? Quote2
Abyss src

Detective Cayha is a Badhnisian police officer and vigilante and the second person to wear the Abyss' costume.

The daughter of political activists, Cayha was left alone as a child when her parents were made disappear by local gangsters, this trauma would make her join the police force in the missing persons unit with the hope of finding them again.

Years later Cayha started to track down the criminal Abyss after he kidnapped 20 people and met Batman while investigating his apparent death.[1] She later rescued Batman after he was wounded and blinded during his fight with Abyss.[2] After snucking him out of the police station inside of a body bag she brought him to her apartment to recover and helped him to infiltrate the prison where Batman Inc. was being held[3] and called for backup when Batman engaged Abyss for the second time on the roof of the prison.[4] After seeing Abyss take down all of Batman Inc Chaya saved Luthor's life by shooting at Abyss and forcing him to retreat just to be soon defeated by Batman, who, before leaving told her that Badhnisia didn't need another Batman but needed her.[4]

Soon after Abyss' defeat Cayha found some of his old equipment and assumed his identity in order to track down the men responsible for her parents disappearance but inadvertently catched Batman's attention, who confronted her about her actions but ultimately decided to help her track down her targets. During their hunt he told her about when he meditated to kill Joe Chill but choose to spare him, making her realize that she wasn't a killer either and couldn't kill her parents' murderer, instead arresting him and finally laying her parents and her past to rest.[5]

Before parting ways for the last time Batman gave her a comunicator to contact Batman Inc. and confessed her that the only reason why he did not kill Joe Chill when he had his chance was that he saw himself in him while watching him in the dark.[5]



  • Abyss Suit: After helping Batman defeat the original Abyss she found his suit and equipment.
    • Claws: Abyss suit has claws capable of cutting through metal.[5]


