In 1941, Charles Collins was already a dead man, but his body was possessed and animated by the ghost of Keith Everet, the Earl of Strethmere, also known as the Gay Ghost.
In 1941, American aviator Charles Collins had been shot by Nazi saboteurs in Cannaught Castle, which at that time was haunted by Keith Everet's ghost. Collins' spirit passed on, that night, but his body continued "living" for years afterward, with the Gay Ghost of Keith Everet operating his body.
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Powers and Abilities
- Although this character was originally introduced during DC's Earth-Two era of publication, their existence following the events of the 1985–86 limited series Crisis on Infinite Earths remains intact. However, some elements of the character's Pre-Crisis history may have been altered or removed for Post-Crisis New Earth continuity, and no longer apply.
- 38 Appearances of Charles Collins (New Earth)
- 2 Images featuring Charles Collins (New Earth)
- Quotations by or about Charles Collins (New Earth)
- Character Gallery: Charles Collins (New Earth)