- I don't know what happened to make your world so tragically different from mine and right now, I don't care. People I care about are in danger and I will move heaven and earth alike to keep them safe!
- — Superman
Convergence: Superman #2 is an issue of the series Convergence: Superman (Volume 1) with a cover date of July, 2015. It was published on May 6, 2015.
Synopsis for "Superman Again"
In the Batcave, Batman supposes that the other Gotham that his city was forced to fight may be the same Gotham that Barry Allen came from - a world where his son Bruce didn't die.
Meanwhile, attackers from Batman's city have cornered the Superman of the other Gotham, despite his great strength, and the help of his friend Jimmy, giving him aid from the safety of a flying car. Fortunately, Superman gets free, and rescues Jimmy from danger, turning to his attackers and warning that their best option is to pool resources and save both cities. Unfortunately, they don't want to risk it, as the voice from beyond the domes had warned that only one city can live. The other will die. Cyborg blasts Superman, hoping to kill him, but he withstands the attack, retaliating with his heat-vision and melting Cyborg's arm. Worriedly, Victor warns the others that Superman's power is like that of their Subject One, only better.
In responds, Captain Thunder lets loose, choosing not to hold back in his beating Superman. As he desperately tries to block Captain Thunder's punches, Superman faintly hears his wife Lois' calls for help. Jimmy helps fend off the others while Superman makes his way to Lois' side. Hearing of Lois' survival, Batman is taken aback, only to be further surprised by the invasion of that same Lois Lane in his cave, brought there by Subject One. He reveals that he long ago discovered the Batman's identity as Thomas Wayne - a former doctor, and because the hospitals cannot be trusted, he needs Batman to deliver Lois' baby. Lois, on the other hand, feels she's been kidnapped, and doesn't appreciate Subject One's efforts, though they are for her benefit. Grunting, she warns that he husband will come for them. Batman tries to explain that the other Lois and Superman are enemies, but Subject One refuses to hear of it. Feeling the pain of her contractions, Lois points out that where she's from, Superman and Batman are friends.
Returning to his apartment in Gotham, Superman finds that Lois isn't there, but the webcam on her computer shows that she was kidnapped by the other Kal-El. He is interrupted by Abin Sur, the Green Lantern of the other Gotham, who explains that he now realizes that Superman is not his enemy. He warns Superman what he'll be up against: a Kryptonian counterpart who was confined throughout childhood. The only person he loved - his Lois Lane, died in his arms. Superman has already deduced that Lois is in safe hands - in the Batcave of the other Gotham. Abin Sur explains that the Batman of his world is a bereaved father, and Superman realizes that Lois has been taken to a doctor, and therefore must be in labour.
Superman soon arrives in the batcave, taking down Subject One in a hurry, before checking to see if Lois is alright. Initially Batman is resistant, but admits that if Lois is going to deliver, it would be safer there than in a hospital. Captain Thunder wouldn't think to look for them in the Batcave. However, he refuses to perform the delivery, explaining that he hasn't used any of his equipment since his son died, years ago. With tears in her eyes, Lois leaves the duties to Clark. At first, Batman keeps his back turned, but eventually offers help and direction, allowing Superman to bring his son into the world, wrapped in his own cape. After passing the baby to his mother, Superman thanks Thomas for his help. Thomas asks whether Superman knows his son Bruce, and Clark admits that he does and that he is a good man. Thomas explains that he held his own son as his life slipped away - that life is the most precious commodity there is. He charges Superman to protect his child at all cost.
Lois suggests they name the baby after Clark's father, Jor-El, but he reminds that he thinks of himself as a human. Smiling, Lois suggests they name him Jonathan Samuel Kent - after both of their fathers. Happily, Superman regards his son and tells his wife he loves her.
Appearing in "Superman Again"
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
- Batman/Thomas Wayne (Flashpoint Timeline) (Flashback and main story)
- Lois Lane (Pre-Flashpoint)
- Jimmy Olsen (Pre-Flashpoint)
- Subject-One/Kal-El (Flashpoint Timeline) (Flashback and main story)
- Captain Thunder (Flashpoint Timeline)
- Cyborg (Flashpoint Timeline)
- Green Lantern/Abin Sur (Flashpoint Timeline)
Other Characters:
- The Flash/Barry Allen (Pre-Flashpoint) (Flashback only)
- Bruce Wayne (Flashpoint Timeline) (Dies in flashback) (Cameo)
- Jonathan Samuel Kent (Pre-Flashpoint) (First appearance)
- Lois Lane (Flashpoint Timeline) (Dies in flashback)
- Wonder Woman (Flashpoint Timeline) (Flashback only) (Cameo)
- Batman/Bruce Wayne (Pre-Flashpoint) (Mentioned only)
- Joker/Martha Wayne (Flashpoint Timeline) (Mentioned only)
- Hypertime
- Blood Moon
- Gotham City of Flashpoint Timeline
- Gotham City of New Earth (Pre-Flashpoint)
- Wayne Tower
- Kents' Apartment
- Batcave (Mentioned only)
- Wayne Tower
- Flashpoint Timeline
- England
- London (Flashback only) (Cameo)
- United States of America
- Gotham City
- Crime Alley (Flashback only) (Cameo)
- Gotham City
- England
- Blood Moon
- Pre-Flashpoint Multiverse
- New Earth (Flashback only) (Cameo)
- Speed Force (Cameo)
- Heaven (Mentioned only)
- Hell (Mentioned only)
- Batcomputer
- Batsuit
- Green Lantern Ring
- Thomas Wayne's Letter (Flashback only) (Cameo)
- Emotional Electromagnetic Spectrum
- Flashpoint (Flashback only)
- Magic
Synopsis for "Divergence: Doomed"
Reiser has made himself an enemy. Despite trying to stop a robbery across the street, his appearance has led the Alpha Centurion to attack him, calling him a villain. Reiser's monstrous appearance in this form is of no help, and the loss of his ability to communicate in anything but screams and roars is of no help either. His scream drops the Alpha Centurion to the ground, and Reiser worries that he's killed him, only to be distracted by bullets bouncing off his rough hide. Worried he'll hurt someone else, Reiser makes a run for it, even as his loved ones, who are watching, call him monster and hope he gets caught.
After getting away, Reiser returns to human form and returns to the scene, only to get shoved away by a police officer. Fortunately, his roommate Roman spots him nearby and explains that Jayne and Aunt Belle went home in the meantime - unscathed. Reiser appreciates Roman's friendship, ever since he was infected with an alien disease - a thing he has not yet had the guts to tell him.
Appearing in "Divergence: Doomed"
Featured Characters:
- Doomed (Reiser) (First appearance)
Supporting Characters:
- Aunt Belle (First appearance)
- Jayne (First appearance)
- OuiOui
Other Characters:
- Alpha Centurion (First appearance)
- Metropolis Police Department
- The "Superman Again" story takes place before the events of Convergence #5.
- "Divergence: Doomed" is an original eight-page story, providing a "special sneak peek" at Doomed (Volume 1). It was also released separately as a free digital comic. It can be read here: DC Sneak Peek: Doomed.
See Also