DC Database

The Cosmic Plane was born after Earth-Prime The Flash/Barry Allen and Iris West brought back the Speed Force and created other three Forces of Nature known as the Sage Force', the Strength Force

The Cosmic Plane[3] is a plane of existence born in the Post-Crisis Arrowverse Multiverse after the rebirth of the Speed Force.


The Cosmic Plane was born after Earth-Prime The Flash/Barry Allen and Iris West brought back the Speed Force and created other three Forces of Nature known as the Sage Force, the Strength Force and the Still Force.[1]

After the Speed Force and the Still Force attacked Flash and the other Forces, the Scarlet Speedster was forced to hide them in a replica of West House, inside the Cosmic Plane, where the Speed Force could not reach them. Later, that day, after the Still Force convinced the Speed Force that they were all born to live together, the Forces of Nature chose to move once again inside the old West House.[2]

At some point, the negative forces began attacking the positive Speed Force on the Cosmic Plane, trying to distract it from their plan.[3]

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Points of Interest

  • "Old West House"[2]


See Also
