Countdown to Adventure was an eight-issue limited series with each issue containing two stories. The first vignette featured Adam Strange and included guest appearances by Animal Man and Starfire. All three heroes shared an outer space adventure with one another in the 2006 weekly series 52 (Volume 1). The back-up feature focused on Forerunner, a character that was introduced in the pages of Countdown (Volume 1). The Forerunner vignette chronicled her origin as well as her relationship to Monarch.
- Countdown to Adventure #1
- Countdown to Adventure #2
- Countdown to Adventure #3
- Countdown to Adventure #4
- Countdown to Adventure #5
- Countdown to Adventure #6
- Countdown to Adventure #7
- Countdown to Adventure #8
- Countdown to Adventure (2008)
See Also
- Cover Gallery: Countdown to Adventure Vol 1
- Images from Countdown to Adventure Vol 1
- Textless Cover Art from Countdown to Adventure Vol 1
- Animal Man Recommended Reading
- 52 (Volume 1)
- Animal Man (Volume 1)
- Animal Man (Volume 2)
- Countdown to Adventure (Volume 1)
- Last Days of Animal Man (Volume 1)
- Strange Adventures (Volume 1)
- Adam Strange Recommended Reading