The Creature Commandos is a collection of Creature Commandos stories from the Silver Age, originally published in Weird War Tales (Volume 1).
- Weird War Tales #93 - "The Creature Commandos!"
- Weird War Tales #97 - "The Faceless Enemy!"
- Weird War Tales #100 - "Dinosaur Convoy"
- Weird War Tales #102 - "The Children's Crusade!"
- Weird War Tales #105 - "The War at Home!"
- Weird War Tales #108 - "In the Kingdom of the Damned"
- Weird War Tales #109 - "Roses Are Red--But Blood is Redder!"
- Weird War Tales #110 - "Roses Are Red--But Blood Is Redder! Part Two: A Mirror for Monsters!"
- Weird War Tales #111 - "The Doomsday Robots!"
- Weird War Tales #112 - "The Medusa Sting!"
- Weird War Tales #114 - "Circus of Madness"
- Weird War Tales #115 - "You Can't Pin a Medal on a Robot"
- Weird War Tales #116 - "Doorway to Hell"
- Weird War Tales #117 - "A Miracle for Monsters!"
- Weird War Tales #118 - "Heroes Come in Small Sizes"
- Weird War Tales #119 - "World Under Glass"
- Weird War Tales #121 - "Death Smiles Thrice!"
- Weird War Tales #124 - "Destination Unknown!"