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"The Trapping of Public Enemy #1": The synopsis for this issue has not yet been written.

Quote1 Oh sure, sure. ... uh, what I stopped in for was to get another gun. -- I sort of lost my gun again --- Quote2
Crime Smasher

Crime Smasher #1 is a one-shot with a cover date of June, 1948.

Synopsis for "The Trapping of Public Enemy #1"

Appearing in "The Trapping of Public Enemy #1"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • Killer King
    • Al Mone
      • many hoodlums

Other Characters: Locations:

  • New York City
    • Crime Smasher, Inc. office
    • Red Cat Club
    • Stratford Village (high-rise retirement community)

Synopsis for "The Last Request"

Appearing in "The Last Request"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:




Synopsis for Richard Richard: "The Lumber Camp Mystery"

Appearing in Richard Richard: "The Lumber Camp Mystery"

Featured Characters:

  • Richard Richard, Private Dick

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:




Synopsis for "The Unlucky Rabbit's Foot"

A stranger walks into the office of "Crime Smasher, Inc." and hands Eve Corby an envelope with a $1000 bill in it, and a package. He wants to pay Crime Smasher to deliver the box to his brother, Humphrey Herold, at his estate in Fairmount, and to not look in the box. But when she tells Crime Smasher about it, he doesn't want to do it, even for a thousand dollars, and he goes directly to Ray Herold's apartment to return the envelope and the box. But when they get there, they find the door open, and inside is Ray, dead. On the mantelpiece is a 3-legged rabbit statue. Eve calls the police, and Alan sets out to deliver the package after all.

Alan and Eve drive out into the country, and at the Fairmount Estate they find the gate locked. They climb over the spiky wrought-iron fence and approach the house. Again they find the front door open, and again they find a dead body inside. It's Humphrey Herold, Ray's twin, and he's been strangled. Alan decides to open the package he's been carrying; inside is a rabbit's foot. Then three gunsels walk into the room and start giving orders. Crime Smasher punches out one of them, but another gets behind him and head-konks him unconscious with the butt of his pistol. The crooks tie up Eve and Alan and drag them into the kitchen, then close all the doors and windows, and turn on the oven gas, then leave.

Armstrong is revived by the strong gas smell, Eve breaks a window, Alan uses glass shards to cut their ropes, and they escape. Armstrong deduces that the bad guys have gone back to Ray's apartment, home of the 3-legged rabbit statue, so they race there and run inside, where they overtake the gang. One crook tries to run away but Alan catches him and beats him down, while Eve covers the other two with her revolver. It turns out that the statue and its detached foot are an intricate concealment device for an extremely expensive jade vase. Alan and Eve turn the crooks over to the police, and donate the $1000 reward to the Infantile Paralysis Fund.

Appearing in "The Unlucky Rabbit's Foot"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • three unnamed thugs

Other Characters:

  • Ray Herold (Dies)
  • Humphrey Herold (Dies)


  • New York City
    • Alan Armstrong's Office
    • Ray Herold's Apartment
    • Humphrey Herold's Estate


  • 3-legged rabbit statue
    • jade vase


  • Armstrong's Sedan


  • This one-shot title was produced by Fawcett Publications, but contains characters that are now the licensed property of DC Comics.
  • Crime Smasher is more popularly known as the Spy Smasher. Spy Smasher was the spotlight character of his own title, and also maintained a back-up feature in the anthology magazine, Whiz Comics.
  • In this issue's 1st story, Armstrong again gets head-konked unconscious, with a blackjack.
  • In the 4th story, he gets konked out again, with a gun-butt.
  • Also appearing in this issue of Crime Smasher was:
    • Sherlock Monk


  • Per the 1st story, 8th page, 5th panel, Alan Armstrong smokes cigarettes.
  • Eve calls Crime Smasher "C.S."

See Also

Recommended Reading

Links and References

Batman 0585
DC Bullet 2024

Summary Needed

This page is missing a well-written and detailed synopsis. If there is already a synopsis here, it might need to be modified or expanded. You can help the DC Database by adding a summary of the story.
Look at how sad this is making Batman. You did this.