Danger in Detroit is a Cyborg storyline published during DC Rebirth. It was written by John Semper, Jr., with Will Conrad providing illustrations for every issue but the last, which was illustrated by Allan Jefferson. This is the second arc of Cyborg (Vol 2), following The Imitation of Life and preceding Singularity Aftermath.
Detroit sinks into chaos as Cyborg's tech begins to go haywire. The evil Anomaly works with other villains to track the hero down, as Cyborg struggles to fix himself and defend his friends and family.
- Cyborg (Volume 2) #10 (Danger in Detroit, Part One: Lord of the Rats!)
- Cyborg (Volume 2) #11 (Danger in Detroit, Part Two: H8-Bit)
- Cyborg (Volume 2) #12 (Danger in Detroit, Part Three: Ratattack!)
- Cyborg (Volume 2) #13 (Danger in Detroit, Part Four: Fyrewyre)
Links and References
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