Singularity Aftermath is a Cyborg storyline published during DC Rebirth. It was written by John Semper, Jr., with illustrations by Will Conrad. This is the third arc of Cyborg (Vol 2), following Danger in Detroit and preceding Wretched of the Earth!.
Cyborg travels to a digital universe where he is its tyrannical ruler, and must find a way to defeat "himself" and return home to stop the annihilation of all life on both worlds.
- Cyborg (Volume 2) #14 (Singularity Aftermath: Arrival)
- Cyborg (Volume 2) #15 (Singularity Aftermath: Quest)
- Cyborg (Volume 2) #16 (Singularity Aftermath: Metal Vs. Mettle)
- Cyborg (Volume 2) #17 (Singularity Aftermath: Cybergeddon)
- Cyborg (Volume 2) #18 (Singularity Aftermath: The End)
Links and References
Cyborg Storyline |