DC Database

Quote1 Gypsy is what I like to be called. It is mysterious. And it's moody. Quote2
Cynthia Reynolds src

Cynthia Reynolds, also known as Gypsy, was a collector on Earth-19, who was responsible for bringing in dimension jumpers. Gypsy eventually met Vibe from Team Flash and started a relationship with him until her death at the hands of Echo.

Meeting Vibe

On Earth-19, dimension jumping was made a capital crime after a neighboring Earth invaded theirs. Gypsy was assigned to bring back H.R. Wells, who had traveled to Earth-1 after being exposed as a fraud. When Gypsy arrived, she quickly overpowered the team at S.T.A.R. Labs, and H.R. accepted his fate. However, Cisco Ramon stepped up to defend H.R., as challenging Gypsy to combat to the death could allow H.R. to escape his sentence. Cisco managed to defeat Gypsy by targeting her balance, but refused to kill her. Gypsy left to return to Earth-19, falsely reporting that H.R. was killed.[1]

Controlled by Grodd

Gypsy made her way to Earth-2 while chasing a fugitive, where she was captured by Grodd to be used for her time-breaching powers to travel to Earth-1.[2] Grodd used her to open a breach to Earth-1 for him and his gorilla army to attack. Gypsy was also sent to attack S.T.A.R. Labs but Team Flash managed to subdue her until she got back to her senses. After Team Flash asked her to help them fight Grodd she refused, choosing to instead continue the search of her fugitive. She was eventually convinced by Cisco to help the team stop Grodd, Gypsy went to get Solovar so he could battle Grodd and take back control of the gorilla army.[3]

Helping Team Flash

Roy Harper Cry for Justice
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