DC Comics Classics Library: The Legion of Super-Heroes: The Life and Death of Ferro Lad is a hardcover collection of Legion of Super-Heroes stories featuring the short-lived Legionnaire known as Ferro Lad. All stories in this collection were originally published in 1966 and 1967 in Adventure Comics (Volume 1).
- Adventure Comics #346: "One of Us Is a Traitor!"
- Adventure Comics #347: "The Traitor's Triumph!"
- Adventure Comics #352: "The Fatal Five!"
- Adventure Comics #353: "The Doomed Legionnaire!"
- Adventure Comics #354: "The Adult Legion!"
- Adventure Comics #355: "The War of the Legions!"
- Adventure Comics #357: "The Ghost of Ferro Lad!"
- This was the second of nine published books in the DC Comics Classics Library line.
- This collection also features a one-page introduction by Paul Levitz and an afterword by Jim Shooter.
- Other Collections from Adventure Comics (Volume 1)
- DC Comics Classics Library
- Adventure Comics (Volume 1)