DC Database

"Superman and Superwoman: "Welcome to Luthorcon III!"": Superwoman travels back to 1985, but loses her memory. As she struggles to regain it, Superman faces certain doom by Green Kryptonite at "Luthorcon III", in a deadly game of monke

Quote1 Superwoman once said, "Let history bear witness that no American ever had to bow to a tyrant!..." Quote2
Kristin Wells

DC Comics Presents Annual #4 is an issue of the series DC Comics Presents Annual (Volume 1) with a cover date of October, 1985.

Synopsis for Superman and Superwoman: "Welcome to Luthorcon III!"

Superwoman travels back to 1985, but loses her memory. As she struggles to regain it, Superman faces certain doom by Green Kryptonite at "Luthorcon III", in a deadly game of monkey-in-the-middle between Luthor cosplayers.

Appearing in Superman and Superwoman: "Welcome to Luthorcon III!"

Featured Characters:


Other Characters:






  • Superwoman announces to Greg Reed that Jill Hastings is the actress who will become famous playing Superwoman in the movies.
  • Superwoman loses her memory in a "Chrono-Synclastic Infundibulum"; which is a term first coined by Kurt Vonnegut in The Sirens of Titan. It refers to a phenomena in space-time where there is universal curvature, and a traveller is reduced to a probability wave-form where every version of themselves exists simultaneously.

See Also

Links and References
