This is the Digital Comic Template, to be used on pages for digital first and digital only releases.
Empty Syntax (Standard Options)
{{DC Database:Digital Comic Template | Title = | Image = | Volume = | Chapter = | Day = | Month = | Year = | Rating = | PrintIssue = | Executive Editor = | CoverArtist1 = | Writer1_1 = | Penciler1_1 = | Inker1_1 = | Colorist1_1 = | Letterer1_1 = | Editor1_1 = | Quotation = | Speaker = | StoryTitle1 = | Synopsis1 = | Appearing1 = '''Featured Characters:''' * <br/> '''Supporting Characters:''' * <br/> '''Antagonists:''' * <br/> '''Other Characters:''' * <br/> '''Locations:''' * <br/> '''Items:''' * <br/> '''Vehicles:''' * <br/> | Notes = | Trivia = | Recommended = | Links = }}
NOTE: The "Day" field must correspond to the nearest Wednesday to the actual release date. Typically, comics are released on Wednesdays, but in those rare cases that they aren't, the nearest Wednesday represents the whole week, and not not the specific day on which it was released. If a comic was released on a day other than wednesday, simply leave an editor's comment next to the Day field to indicate as much.
Always Present Fields
| Title = COMIC SERIES TITLE (ie. Justice League )
Optional Fields
| Event = EVENT THE COMIC IS A PART OF (IF APPLICABLE) | Image = FILENAME OF IMAGE TO BE USED AS COVER | Image2 = SECONDARY COVER (VARIANT, VIRGIN, ETC.) | Volume = VOLUME | Chapter = Chapter | Month = MONTH (LISTED ON COVER) | Year = YEAR (LISTED ON COVER) | Rating = RATING (M, T, T+, E) | PreviousChapter = TITLE (Chapter -1) | NextChapter = TITLE (Chapter +1) | CustomRole1 = CUSTOM ROLE HEADER | CustomMembers1 = CUSTOM ROLE TEXT | CustomRole2 = CUSTOM ROLE HEADER | CustomMembers2 = CUSTOM ROLE TEXT | Quotation = QUOTATION | Speaker = SPEAKER | Executive Editor = EXECUTIVE EDITOR | CoverArtist1 = COVER ARTIST #1 | CoverArtist2 = COVER ARTIST #2 | Cover2Artist1 = VARIANT COVER ARTIST(S) (up to 10 covers, 5 artists each) | Editor1_1 = STORY 1, EDITOR #1 | Writer1_1 = STORY 1, WRITER #1 | Writer1_2 = STORY 1, WRITER #2 | Writer2_1 = STORY 2, WRITER #1 | Writer2_2 = STORY 2, WRITER #2 | Penciler1_1 = STORY 1, PENCILER #1 | Inker1_1 = STORY 1, INKER #1 | Colorist1_1 = STORY 1, Colorist #1 | Letterer1_1 = STORY 1, LETTERER #1 | StoryTitle1 = STORY 1, TITLE | StoryTitle2 = STORY 2, TITLE | Synopsis1 = STORY 1, SYNOPSIS | Synopsis2 = STORY 2, SYNOPSIS | Appearing1 = STORY 1, APPEARANCES | Appearing2 = STORY 2, APPEARANCES | CustomSection1 = CUSTOM SECTION HEADER | CustomText1 = CUSTOM SECTION TEXT | CustomSection2 = CUSTOM SECTION HEADER | CustomText2 = CUSTOM SECTION TEXT
Appearing Format
| Appearing1 = '''Featured Characters:''' * <br/> '''Supporting Characters:''' * <br/> '''Antagonists:''' * <br/> '''Other Characters:''' * <br/> '''Locations:''' * <br/> '''Items:''' * <br/> '''Vehicles:''' * <br/>
Manual Overrides
| Title = DEFAULT : PAGENAME | ImageSize = DEFAULT : 250 | ImageText = DEFAULT : PAGENAME | Gallery = DEFAULT : {{{Title|{{#explode:{{PAGENAME}}| Vol }}}}}/Covers | HeadTitle = DEFAULT : StoryTitle1 (Use iff there is a title for the volume different than the title for the first story). | Synopsis1Header = DEFAULT : Synopsis for {{{StoryTitle1}}} | Contributors1Header = DEFAULT : Contributors to {{{StoryTitle1}}} | Appearing1Header = DEFAULT : Appearing in {{{StoryTitle1}}} | Pubyear = DEFAULT : {{{Year}}} or {{{Year}}}-1 if {{{Month}}} is January or February | Pubmonth = DEFAULT : {{{Month}}} - 2 (the majority of comics are published 2 months before their cover date)
Category Magic
This template automatically categorizes articles that use it. The following is a list of categories handled: * Always: ** Category:Digital Comics * If Defined: ** Category:{{{Year}}} ** Category:{{{Year}}}, {{{Month}}} ** Category:{{{Pubyear}}}, {{{Pubmonth}}} (Publication) ** Category:{{{Title|{{#explode:{{PAGENAME}}| Vol }}}}} Vol {{{Volume|{{#explode:{{#explode:{{PAGENAME}}| Vol |1}}| }}}}}|{{{Chapter|{{#explode:{{#explode:{{PAGENAME}}| Vol |1}}| |1}}}}} ** Category:{{{Executive Editor}}}/Executive Editor ** Category:{{{CoverArtist1}}}/Cover Artist ** Category:{{{Editor1_1}}}/Editor ** Category:{{{Writer1_1}}}/Writer ** Category:{{{Penciler1_1}}}/Penciler ** Category:{{{Inker1_1}}}/Inker ** Category:{{{Colorist1_1}}}/Colorist ** Category:{{{Letterer1_1}}}/Letterer * If Not Defined: ** Category:Image Needed (if {{{Image}}} is undefined) ** Category:Articles in need of summaries (if {{{Synopsis1}}} is undefined) * Special Cases: ** If {{{Year}}} is defined, Category:Golden/Silver/Bronze/Copper/Modern Age will be set
* To specify data for additional stories, add the new section and increment the number at the end, up to 4 total sub-stories. (eg. Writer1_1 -> Writers2_1 ) * Limit of 300 cast appearances and 30 each for locations, items and vehicles, total. * Limit of 5 contributors per role, per storyline. (Only 5 editors can be listed for the 3rd story, for example. * If {{{Volume|{{#explode:{{#explode:{{PAGENAME}}| Vol |1}}| }}}}} is undefined, Volume 1 is assumed. * TODO: Think of a better way of handling Comic Title categorization. (see bottom of source code) * TODO: Should it be {{{Title}}/Covers or {{{Title|{{#explode:{{PAGENAME}}| Vol }}}}} Vol {{{Volume|{{#explode:{{#explode:{{PAGENAME}}| Vol |1}}| }}}}}/Covers? * TODO: Add 'conversation' support. (eg. Iron Man (Vol 4) 15)