DC Database
DC Database


Always Present Fields

| Title               = TELEVISION SERIES TITLE (ie. Batman: The Animated Series)

Optional Fields

| Image               = FILENAME
| Season              = SEASON #
| Episode             = EPISODE #
| Date                = DATE (ORIGINALLY AIRED)
| Month               = MONTH (ORIGINALLY AIRED)
| Year                = YEAR (ORIGINALLY AIRED)

| PreviousEpisode     = TITLE (Episode -1)
| NextEpisode         = TITLE (Episode +1)

| CustomRole1         = CUSTOM ROLE HEADER
| CustomMembers1      = CUSTOM ROLE TEXT
| CustomRole2         = CUSTOM ROLE HEADER
| CustomMembers2      = CUSTOM ROLE TEXT

| Quotation           = QUOTATION
| Speaker             = SPEAKER

| Cast1               = FIRST CHARACTER APPEARING
| Cast2               = SECOND CHARACTER APPEARING
| Location1           = FIRST LOCATION APPEARING
| Item1               = FIRST ITEM APPEARING
| Vehicle1            = FIRST VEHICLE APPEARING

| StoryTitle1         = STORY 1, TITLE
| Synopsis1           = STORY 1, SYNOPSIS
| Appearing1          = STORY 1, APPEARANCES

| Director            = DIRECTOR
| Producer1_1         = Producer #1
| Writer1_1           = WRITER #1
| Writer1_2           = WRITER #2

| CustomSection1      = CUSTOM SECTION HEADER
| CustomText1         = CUSTOM SECTION TEXT
| CustomSection2      = CUSTOM SECTION HEADER
| CustomText2         = CUSTOM SECTION TEXT

| Character1          = CHARACTER IN EPISODE
| Actor1              = ACTOR PORTRAYING CHARACTER1

Appearing Format

| Appearing1 =
'''Featured Characters:'''
* <br/>
'''Supporting Characters:'''
* <br/>
* <br/>
'''Other Characters:'''
* <br/>
* <br/>
* <br/>
* <br/>

Manual Overrides

| Title               = DEFAULT : PAGENAME
| ImageSize           = DEFAULT : 250
| ImageText           = DEFAULT : PAGENAME
| Gallery             = DEFAULT : {{Series Name}}/Gallery
| HeadTitle           = DEFAULT : StoryTitle1 (Use if there
is a title for the Season different than the title for the first story).

| BlockQuote          = MULTIPLE QUOTATION : (Use
{{Quote|$QUOTE|$SPEAKER}} for each quote, or {{Conversation|1st saying|1st speaker|2nd saying|2nd speaker}}.  This is an override of
Quotation for instances where multiple quotes are necessary).

| Synopsis1Header     = DEFAULT : Synopsis for {{{StoryTitle1}}}
| Contributors1Header = DEFAULT : Contributors to {{{StoryTitle1}}}
| Appearing1Header    = DEFAULT : Appearing in {{{StoryTitle1}}}

Empty Syntax (Standard Options)

{{DC Database:Episode Template
| Title               =
| Image               =
| Season              =
| Episode             =
| Year                =
| Month               =
| Date                =

| Director            =

| PreviousEpisode     =
| NextEpisode         =

| Quotation           =
| Speaker             =

| StoryTitle1         =
| Synopsis1           =
| Producer1_1         =
| Writer1_1           =

| Appearing1 =
'''Featured Characters:'''
* <br/>
'''Supporting Characters:'''
* <br/>
* <br/>
'''Other Characters:'''
* <br/>
* <br/>
* <br/>
* <br/>

| Cast1               =
| Cast2               =
| Location1           =
| Location2           =
| Item1               =
| Item2               =
| Vehicle1            =
| Vehicle2            =

| Notes               =
| Trivia              =
| Recommended         =
| Links               =

Category Magic

This template automatically categorizes articles that use it. The following is a list of categories handled:

* Always:
** Category:Comics

* If Defined:
** Category:{{{Year}}}
** Category:{{{Year}}}, {{{Month}}}
** Category:{{Series Name}} Season {{{Season}}}|{{{Episode}}}
** Category:{{{Cast1}}}/Appearances
** Category:{{{Location1}}}/Appearances
** Category:{{{Item1}}}/Appearances
** Category:{{{Vehicle1}}}/Appearances
** Category:{{{Director}}}/Director
** Category:{{{Producer1_1}}}/Producer
** Category:{{{Writer1_1}}}/Writer

* If Not Defined:
** Category:Image Needed   (if {{{Image}}} is undefined)
** Category:Copy Edit      (if {{{Synopsis1}}} is undefined)


* Limit of 200 cast appearances and 30 each for locations, items and vehicles, total.
* Limit of 5 contributors per role. (Only 5 Producers can be
listed for the episode, for example.
* If {{{Season}}} is undefined, Season 1 is assumed.
