DC Database


Always Present Fields

| RealName                = REAL NAME
| CurrentAlias            = CURRENT ALIAS
| First                   = FIRST APPEARANCE

| HistoryText             = HISTORY / BIOGRAPHY

| Powers                  = POWERS
| Abilities               = ABILITIES
| Strength                = PHYSICAL STRENGTH
| Weaknesses              = WEAKNESSES

| Equipment               = EQUIPMENT
| Transportation          = MEANS OF TRANSPORTATION
| Weapons                 = WEAPONS

| Notes                   = NOTES
| Trivia                  = TRIVIA
| Links                   = LINKS AND REFERENCES

Optional Fields

| Image                   = FILENAME
| Aliases                 = ALIASES
| Identity                = SECRET OR PUBLIC
| Affiliation             = AFFILIATION
| Relatives               = RELATIVES
| Universe                = UNIVERSE / REALITY
| BaseOfOperations        = BASE OF OPERATIONS
| CustomLabel             = CUSTOM LABEL
| Custom                  = CUSTOM

| Gender                  = MALE, FEMALE, OTHER
| Height                  = HEIGHT
| Weight                  = WEIGHT
| Eyes                    = EYE COLOR
| Hair                    = HAIR COLOR
| UnusualFeatures         = UNUSUAL FEATURES   

| Citizenship             = COUNTRY OF CITIZENSHIP
| MaritalStatus           = MARITAL STATUS
| Occupation              = OCCUPATION
| Education               = EDUCATION

| Origin                  = ORIGIN OF POWERS / ABILITIES
| PlaceOfBirth            = PLACE OF BIRTH
| PlaceOfDeath            = PLACE OF DEATH
| Creators                = MULTIPLE CREATORS   (Separate with ;'s)
| Last                    = LAST APPEARANCE

| OtherMedia              = APPEARANCES IN OTHER MEDIA
| CustomSection1          = CUSTOM SECTION HEADER
| CustomText1             = CUSTOM SECTION TEXT
| CustomSection2          = CUSTOM SECTION HEADER
| CustomText2             = CUSTOM SECTION TEXT

Manual Overrides

| Title                   = DEFAULT : PAGENAME
| ImageSize               = DEFAULT : 200
| ImageText               = DEFAULT : PAGENAME
| Gallery                 = DEFAULT : PAGENAME/GALLERY

| HistoryHeader           = DEFAULT : History
| PowersAbilitiesHeader   = DEFAULT : Powers and Ablities
| ParaphernaliaHeader     = DEFAULT : Paraphernalia
| NotesHeader             = DEFAULT : Notes
| TriviaHeader            = DEFAULT : Trivia
| OtherMediaHeader        = DEFAULT : Appearances in Other Media
| SeeAlsoHeader           = DEFAULT : See Also
| LinksHeader             = DEFAULT : Links and References

Empty Syntax (Standard Options)

{{DC Database:User Page Template   
| Image                   = 
| RealName                = 
| CurrentAlias            = 
| Aliases                 = 
| Identity                = 
| Affiliation             = 
| Relatives               = 
| Universe                = 
| BaseOfOperations        = 

| Gender                  = 
| Height                  = 
| Weight                  = 
| Eyes                    = 
| Hair                    = 
| UnusualFeatures         = 

| Citizenship             = 
| MaritalStatus           = 
| Occupation              = 
| Education               = 

| Origin                  = 
| PlaceOfBirth            = 
| Creators                = 
| First                   = 

| HistoryText             = 

| Powers                  = 
| Abilities               = 
| Strength                = 
| Weaknesses              = 

| Equipment               = 
| Transportation          = 
| Weapons                 = 

| Notes                   = 
| Trivia                  = 
| Links                   = 

Category Magic

This template automatically categorizes articles that use it. 
The following is a list of categories handled:

* Always:
** Category:Users

* If Defined:
** Category:{{{Gender}}} Users
** Category:{{{Citizenship}}} Users

* If Not Defined:
** None

