Empty Syntax (Standard Options)
{{DC Database:Volume Template | IssueImage = | Publisher= | Type = | TotalIssues = | StartMonth = | StartYear= | EndMonth = | EndYear = | Creators = | Featured = | StoryArcs= | Crossovers = | History = | IssueList= | AnnualName1 = | AnnualYear1 = | SpecialName1= | SpecialYear1= | TradePaperbackName1 = | TradePaperbackYear1 = | TradePaperbackISBN1 = | SeeAlso = }}
{{DC Database:Volume Template | LogoImage= <!-- Volume Logo Image --> | IssueImage = <!-- Issue #1 Cover Image --> | Publisher= <!-- Name of Different Publisher or Imprint --> | Type = <!-- Annuals, Ongoing Series, Limited Series, One Shot, Reprints --> | StartYear= <!-- Year the series started --> | EndYear = <!-- Year the series ended --> | Creators = <!-- Original creators, significant subsequent writers/artists --> | Featured = <!-- Featured Character(s) or Team; up to 10, separated by semi-colons (;) --> | Storylines = <!-- See Category:Storylines --> | Crossovers = <!-- See Category:Crossovers --> | History = <!-- Overview of the series, including featured characters --> | IssueList= <!-- List of all issues (use {{cnst|Title Vol # #}} format) --> | TotalIssues = <!-- TOTAL # OF issues, including Annuals and Specials --> | PreviousVol = <!-- The PREVIOUS volume (Not needed if it's the same name) --> | NextVol = <!-- The NEXT volume (Not needed if it's the same name) --> | AnnualName1 = <!-- Name of Annual #1 --> | AnnualYear1 = <!-- Year of Annual Publication #1 --> | SpecialName1= <!-- Name of Special #1 --> | SpecialYear1= <!-- Year of Special Publication #1 --> | MagazineName1 = <!-- Name of MAGAZINE #1 --> | MagazineYear1 = <!-- Year of MAGAZINE Publication #1 --> | TradePaperbackName1 = <!-- Name of TPB #1 --> | TradePaperbackYear1 = <!-- Year of TPB Publication #1 --> | TradePaperbackISBN1 = <!-- ISBN of TPB Publication #1 --> | Notes = <!-- NOTES REGARDING THE COMIC TITLE --> | SeeAlso = <!-- OTHER PAGES REFERRING TO PAGE NAME --> }}
Automatic Functions
- StartYear and EndYear are automatically generated from templated issues (should be manually entered)
- All pages are categorized into Category:Volumes
- All pages are categorized into the category of the same name ( [[Category:{{PAGENAME}}]] )
- All pages are categorized by Type - Category:Annuals, Category:Limited Series, Category:Ongoing Series, Category:One Shots, Category:Reprints
- Links are automatically created for:
- Category of the same name
- Images category of the same name
- Cover Gallery for the series title (PAGENAME minus the volume number)
- Cover Gallery for the PAGENAME, if it exists
- Will categorize into {{{Featured}}} Titles