Collection of stories featuring gorillas, monkeys and other primates. All stories were originally published between 1959 and 1999.
- Superboy #76 - "The Super-Monkey from Krypton!" (starring Superboy)
- Superman #138 - "Titano the Super-Ape!" (starring Superman)
- The Flash #127 - "The Reign of the Super-Gorilla!" (starring the Flash (Barry Allen))
- Detective Comics #339 - "Batman Battles the Living Beast-Bomb!" (starring Batman)
- Hawkman #16 - "Lord of the Flying Gorillas!" (starring Hawkman)
- Wonder Woman #170 - "Wonder Woman -- Gorilla!" (starring Wonder Woman)
- Strange Adventures #201 - "The Mod Gorilla Boss!" (starring Animal Man)
- Shazam! #9 - "The Day Captain Marvel Went Ape!" (starring Captain Marvel)
- Detective Comics #482 - "The Night of the Body Snatcher!" (starring Batman)
- Super Friends #30 - "Gorilla Warfare Against the Humans!" (starring the Super Friends)
- The Flash (Volume 2) #151 - "Territorialis" (starring Kid Flash (Wally West); minus framing sequence by Mark Waid, Paul Pelletier and Jose Marzan, Jr.)