DC Super-Stars was an anthology series published from 1976 to 1978. The first eight issues include only reprinted material, with a focus on DC's space-faring heroes like Adam Strange, but starting with #9 the series started publishing all-new stories with a variety of heroes.
- DC Super-Stars #1
- DC Super-Stars #2
- DC Super-Stars #3
- DC Super-Stars #4
- DC Super-Stars #5
- DC Super-Stars #6
- DC Super-Stars #7
- DC Super-Stars #8
- DC Super-Stars #9
- DC Super-Stars #10
- DC Super-Stars #11
- DC Super-Stars #12
- DC Super-Stars #13
- DC Super-Stars #14
- DC Super-Stars #15
- DC Super-Stars #16
- DC Super-Stars #17
- DC Super-Stars #18
See Also