DC Super Hero Girls: Super Shorts is a series of animated shorts designed as both a prelude and a companion to DC Super Hero Girls (TV Series). Both series are developed by Lauren Faust and are based on the original Web Series. The new series debuted with a theatrical cartoon, The Late Batsby, in 2018, and was continued in early 2019.
Theatrical Short[]
Ep# | Title | Airdate |
01 | The Late Batsby | July 27, 2018 |
DC Super Hero Girls Super Shorts[]
Ep# | Title | Airdate |
01 | Super Sleeper | January 17, 2019 |
02 | Bat Catcher | January 24, 2019 |
03 | Hamster Con Queso | January 31, 2019 |
04 | Hashtag Frowny Face | February 7, 2019 |
05 | Street Style | February 14, 2019 |
06 | Bat & Switch | February 21, 2019 |
07 | Plight of the Bumblebee | February 28, 2019 |
08 | Faulty Powers | March 7, 2019 |
09 | Pack Bat | March 14, 2019 |
10 | Buzzkill | March 21, 2019 |
11 | Go Fish | March 28, 2019 |
12 | Kara Care | April 4, 2019 |
13 | Speedy Delivery | April 11, 2019 |
14 | Taco Tuesday | April 18, 2019 |
15 | Silver Scream | April 25, 2019 |
16 | Prize Fighter | May 2, 2019 |
17 | Hard Rock | May 9, 2019 |
18 | Picture Daze | May 16, 2019 |
19 | Let Them Eat Pie | May 23, 2019 |
20 | Wasabi War | May 30, 2019 |
21 | Remote Uncontrolled | June 6, 2019 |
22 | The Slow and the Furious | June 13, 2019 |
23 | Big Screen Bully | June 20, 2019 |
24 | Equal Tights | June 27, 2019 |
25 | Dye Harder | July 4, 2019 |
26 | Lost and Found | July 11, 2019 |
27 | Stained Fighter | July 18, 2019 |
28 | Cruz Control | July 25, 2019 |
29 | Babsgirl | August 1, 2019 |
30 | Ad Blockers | August 8, 2019 |
31 | Artificial Intelligence | August 15, 2019 |
32 | Asteroid Belter | August 22, 2019 |
33 | Candy Crushed | August 29, 2019 |
34 | Vanity Insanity | September 5, 2019 |
35 | Photo Oops | September 12, 2019 |
36 | Vegecide | September 19, 2019 |
37 | Stress Test | September 26, 2019 |
38 | Booked | October 3, 2019 |
39 | Comic Gone | October 17, 2019 |
40 | Soul Taken | October 31, 2019 |
41 | Tough Crowd | November 14, 2019 |
42 | Booth Boot | November 28, 2019 |
43 | Sofa So Good | December 3, 2019 |
44 | The Bee Stands Alone | December 3, 2019 |
45 | Veggie Burrito Bucket | December 3, 2019 |
46 | Sucker Punch | January 9, 2020 |
47 | Purse Scratcher | January 23, 2020 |
48 | Star Struck | February 6, 2020 |
49 | Flash Forward Flash Back | February 20, 2020 |
50 | Shell Shock | March 5, 2020 |
51 | The Commute | March 19, 2020 |
52 | AbraKachoo | TBA |