DCeased: Dead Planet (Volume 1) was a mini-series that served as the sequel to DCeased. Taking place five years after the end of the first series, the new Justice League of Earth-2 unexpectedly received a cryptic signal from their home planet sent by Cyborg, leading them to embark on a mission to rescue their old friend in a dying world now overrun with the unliving. The Shadowpact meanwhile led the charge to save humanity.
- DCeased: Dead Planet #1
- DCeased: Dead Planet #2
- DCeased: Dead Planet #3
- DCeased: Dead Planet #4
- DCeased: Dead Planet #5
- DCeased: Dead Planet #6
- DCeased: Dead Planet #7
See Also
- Cover Gallery: DCeased: Dead Planet Vol 1
- Collections from DCeased: Dead Planet Vol 1
- Images from DCeased: Dead Planet Vol 1
- Textless Cover Art from DCeased: Dead Planet Vol 1
- Variant Covers from DCeased: Dead Planet Vol 1