DMZ is an American comic book series published by DC Comics under their Vertigo imprint. It is written by Brian Wood, with artwork by Wood and Riccardo Burchielli. The series is set in New York City, sometime in the near future and in the midst of a civil war that has turned the island of Manhattan into a demilitarized zone.
- DMZ: On the Ground (2006)
ISBN: 1401210627 ISBN 1-4012-1062-7 - DMZ: Body of a Journalist (2007)
- DMZ: Public Works (2007)
- DMZ: Friendly Fire (2008)
- DMZ: The Hidden War (2008)
ISBN: 1401218334 ISBN 1401218334 - DMZ: Blood in the Game (2009)
- DMZ: War Powers (2009)
- DMZ: Hearts and Minds (2010)
- DMZ: M.I.A. (2011)
- DMZ: Collective Punishment (2011)
- DMZ: Free States Rising (2012)
- DMZ: The Five Nations Of New York
- DMZ Compendium One (2020)
ISBN: 978-1779504357
See Also
- Cover Gallery: DMZ Vol 1
- Collections from DMZ Vol 1
- Images from DMZ Vol 1
- Textless Cover Art from DMZ Vol 1