When you come up with an answer, let me know. Because at that point, I lost any sense of who Gem Antonelli was supposed to be. And all that was left was who I needed to become to get through this.
- — Copycat
DV8: Gods and Monsters #6 is an issue of the series DV8: Gods and Monsters (Volume 1) with a cover date of November, 2010. It was published on September 15, 2010.
Synopsis for "Teenage Riot"
In the wake of Threshold's attack on Freestyle's camp the natives ask Frostbite to teach them how to war.
Bliss leads an attack on Powerhaus' camp. Her warriors quickly kill everyone in the camp. Powerhaus uses all the emotion to grow large and threatens to kill Bliss. But she uses her powers to subdue him and as he's paralyzed from her attack, she suggests they form an alliance against Threshold and Sublime.
The interrogation on Copycat reaches a point where she illustrates how the forces were split into three between Sublime, Bliss, and Threshold. She also describes how her personalities didn't dominate in the midst of all the killing. She simply survived and never settled on which personality allowed her to do that. In the end, she says she became whoever she needed to be to survive this.
Appearing in "Teenage Riot"
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
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See Also