DV8 Annual (Volume 1) with a cover date of March, 1999.
Synopsis for "Slipstream: Second Time Around"
Alex Fairchild arrives in Los Angeles and fends off an attack from two of Cordelia's henchmen. In Yurgovia, DV8 and Gen 13 join forces to defend themselves against a swarm of armored guards. Rainmaker disables a guard that Grunge then unmasks to reveal an altered human. The guard uses the distraction to kill him. Freefall cradles Grunge's body, leaving herself vulnerable, but Rainmaker saves her by stepping into the path of gunfire. Meanwhile, Bliss and Threshold confront the guards' boss: the Gnome, armed with an Orb of Power. Evo mocks Grunge's death, angering Freefall. She lashes out at him with her powers, causing him to tumble into Freestyle, who has rapidly aged due to her abilities, and breaks her leg. Enraged, Evo guts Freefall. Deathblow then shoots and kills him. The two teams are ready to slaughter each other, but Fairchild and Sublime order them all to back down. Threshold reveals to Bliss that DV8 fought the Gnome before in a previous timeline. In it, Freestyle inadvertently bonded with the Orb, and the Gnome used her to alter reality, preventing the confrontation from taking place. The Gnome defeats Bliss and Threshold as Providence appears and explains that switching Caitlin Fairchild and Sublime was the least disruptive way to alter reality. A weakened Threshold has Copycat possess him and use his powers to fell the Gnome. Providence gives her the Orb, and she convinces Fairchild to switch places with Sublime, restoring the previous timeline. In Los Angeles, Alex Fairchild has a gun to John Lynch's head. The next moment, he is on a beach in Florida with Caitlin. Elsewhere, Providence has Copycat use her possession powers on the Orb, revealing it to be Void. Providence explains that the Gnome plucked Void from the timestream and imprisoned her for use as a weapon. She and Void look on as DV8 mourns Powerhaus who has suddenly been killed in the restored timeline.
Appearing in "Slipstream: Second Time Around"
Featured Characters:
- DV8
- DV8 (Slipstream Universe)
- Bliss (Slipstream Universe)
- Copycat (Slipstream Universe)
- Evo (Slipstream Universe) (Dies)
- Caitlin Fairchild (Slipstream Universe)
- Frostbite (Slipstream Universe)
- Powerhaus (Slipstream Universe)
Supporting Characters:
- Alexander Fairchild (Slipstream Universe)
- Gen 13 (Slipstream Universe)
- Burnout (Slipstream Universe)
- Deathblow (Slipstream Universe)
- Freefall (Slipstream Universe) (Dies)
- Grunge (Slipstream Universe) (Dies)
- John Lynch (Slipstream Universe)
- Sarah Rainmaker (Slipstream Universe) (Dies)
- Sublime (Slipstream Universe)
- Providence
- Threshold (Slipstream Universe)
- Void
Other Characters:
- Slipstream Universe
- Wildstorm Universe
- United States of America
- Florida
- Florida Keys
- Florida
- United States of America
Synopsis for "Li'l Deviant Bastards!"
Li'l Threshold stands atop a pile of dead superhumans, proclaiming his final victory. He decides to next pit the Li'l Deviants against each other until only one survives, and the winner will join him at his side. As they attack each other, he rejects Li'l Bliss. Li'l Threshold takes Li'l Sublime in his arms only to discover “she” is really Li'l Grunge in disguise.
At that moment, Sideways Bob wakes up in the middle of a drug escapade with Ivana.
Appearing in "Li'l Deviant Bastards!"
Featured Characters:
- Sideways Bob
Supporting Characters:
- Ivana Baiul
- Li'l Deviants (In dream sequence only)
- Li'l Bliss
- Li'l Copycat
- Li'l Evo
- Li'l Freestyle
- Li'l Frostbite
- Li'l Powerhaus
- Li'l Threshold
- Li'l Grunge (disguised as Li'l Sublime) (In dream sequence only)
- This issue is part three of the three-part "Slipstream" crossover with Gen 13.
- The circumstances of Powerhaus's death are explained in DV8 #31.
- The point in time from which the Gnome abducted Void is when she and the WildC.A.T.s were pursuing the time-traveling Puritans in ancient Rome as shown in WildC.A.T.s vol. 1 #45.
See Also