DC Database

"Beautiful Lies": Following Powerhaus's funeral, Sublime finds Frostbite drinking at a bar, bitter over the state of the team.  He recalls to her how IO recruited him in college, promising to help him pay tuition. Sublime tells him about her first day at Project Genesis and fending off Evo's adv

DV8 #0 is an issue of the series DV8 (Volume 1) with a cover date of April, 1999.

Synopsis for "Beautiful Lies"

Following Powerhaus's funeral, Sublime finds Frostbite drinking at a bar, bitter over the state of the team.  He recalls to her how IO recruited him in college, promising to help him pay tuition. Sublime tells him about her first day at Project Genesis and fending off Evo's advances when they first met.  At IO, Baiul and Sideways Bob argue about the team's recent losses.  After he leaves, she remembers how she used drugs to stimulate Threshold's powers, causing him to lose an eye.  She went on to psychologically manipulate him using sex, grooming him as her protégé and using him to hunt down other Gen-Actives.  Back at the bar, Frostbite describes meeting Powerhaus in the gym and watching Hector's powers first manifest.  He remembers how the drugs meant to stimulate his own powers turned his hair yellow and how he first saw Copycat in a lab.  Sublime recalls how her powers first manifested when Evo attacked her in the cafeteria.  Baiul remembers having the Keepers subdue DV8 and smuggling them out of Project Genesis during Lynch's breakout with Gen 13.  Checking in on the autopsy of Powerhaus, she orders the examining doctor to keep his body in stasis.

Appearing in "Beautiful Lies"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:

Other Characters:

  • Dr. Jarmon (Flashback only)
  • L.J. (Flashback only)
  • Ms. Krigstein (Flashback only)



  • Lucille



  • This issue reveals that DV8 stands for "Deoxyribonucleic Variant pod 8", the name of the group during Project Genesis.

See Also

Links and References
