DV8 (Volume 1) with a cover date of November, 1999.
Synopsis for "Things Fall Apart Part 3 of 3: Reverse Engineering"
Callahan, Frostbite, and Sublime repel from a helicopter onto the roof of IO headquarters. By monitoring Copycat and Freestyle's transponders, they learned the two are being tortured by Baiul and have come to extract them. Sublime uses her powers to locate and free the girls. They fight their way past guards, but Bliss catches them. Callahan and Frostbite knock out some troops, but Sideways Bob ambushes Callahan. Frostbite beats up Bob, and then he and Callahan rendezvous with Sublime. Meanwhile, Frank Colby has IO security stand down. Frostbite and Sublime get their teammates to the roof while Callahan confronts his daughter. She attacks him, blaming him for her life with IO. He overpowers her and exorcises Kreal from her mind. Bliss reveals she let Kreal share her body willingly because he promised to help her get revenge. Callahan tells her she is beyond his help and leaves her behind. On the roof, Evo attacks. He slashes at Copycat, but Freestyle gets in the way and is wounded instead. Copycat retaliates by forcing Evo to claw himself. Baiul arrives with more troops, but Callahan uses his powers to get past her. She watches as he, Frostbite, and the remaining members of DV8 escape aboard the helicopter.
Appearing in "Things Fall Apart Part 3 of 3: Reverse Engineering"
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
- Stephen Callahan (Flashback and main story)
- Frank Colby
- Frostbite (Flashback and main story)
- Hammond (Flashback and main story)
- International Operations
- Ivana Baiul
- Bliss
- Evo
- Sideways Bob
- Kreal
- This is the final issue of the series. The story of DV8 continues in the Gen-Active anthology series.
See Also