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"Chapter Six: The Day the World Went Away": Wintergreen's digger breaks through the ground in the centre of Gyllenhjem; and Slade, Wintergreen, Rose and Alec climb out. As they walk down the dead streets, Slade remembers the night of the Allwinter, and how his sons Grant and Joseph were caught i

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Quote1 What this place really needs is a king. Quote2

Dark Knights of Steel: Allwinter #6 is an issue of the series Dark Knights of Steel: Allwinter (Volume 1) with a cover date of February, 2025. It was published on December 18, 2024.

Synopsis for "Chapter Six: The Day the World Went Away"

Wintergreen's digger breaks through the ground in the centre of Gyllenhjem; and Slade, Wintergreen, Rose and Alec climb out. As they walk down the dead streets, Slade remembers the night of the Allwinter, and how his sons Grant and Joseph were caught in the storm and became Draugr. Alec admits he's still not sure what he is supposed to do, but Slade tells him to keep Viktor's magic at bay and they will handle the rest. They are mobbed by a horde of Draugr and Slade charges into them, telling the others to make for the castle. They fight their way through the Draugr into the castle and Viktor's throne room. Viktor's hulking servant Solomon easily bats Wintergreen and Rose aside but Slade decapitates him with his axe.

Slade hears a voice calling for him; to his horror, it is Grant and Joseph. Rose tries to behead them and Slade rushes forward to stop her. She tells him that they are not his children anymore, they are merely the enemy, and Slade sadly says that she really is his daughter. Alec tries to get them to stop fighting, but while they are distracted Viktor hits them all with an overwhelming torrent of ice magic.

Alec is knocked unconscious, but wakes up when he hears the voice of the Green in his head. He and the others are frozen halfway in blocks of ice; and Nora, also frozen, is in the centre of the room. Viktor reveals that Nora is still alive, kept on the brink of death by his magic, and Slade condemns him for freezing the entire kingdom to save a woman who didn't even love him. However, Viktor reveals that Nora had rejected Maxwell's advances and they had gone to rebuff him in private to spare his dignity. Viktor's magic allowed him to prevent Nora from dying to Slade's arrow but he cannot heal her or restore her life. He tells Slade that he took everything from him, and now he will take everything from Slade, starting by killing Rose. Slade begs Viktor to spare her and kill him.

Prince Bruce and Adeline, back from the dead, suddenly charge into the throne room and say there will be no more death. Bruce attacks Viktor while Adeline cuts Slade out of the ice. He asks her how she is alive and she says that she remembers Rose stabbing her, then darkness, and then colour. Alec and Slade both realise at that moment that Alec's magic brought her back from the dead. Slade joins the fight against Viktor and tells Adeline to free the others. He stabs Viktor in the back and he, Bruce, Rose and William attack Viktor together. Adeline cuts Alec free and tries to escape with him, but he tells her that he knows what he needs to do and to put him down. A group of Draugr lead by Grant and Joseph run at them and Adeline fends them off while Alec runs to Nora. He lays his hands on the ice around Nora and releases his power in a huge blast.

The Allwinter is banished and colour is restored throughout the land. Nora, alive and well, wakes the unconscious Viktor and they embrace. Rose thanks Slade for offering to die for her and hugs him too. Adeline calls to Slade, and he sees that Grant and Joseph have been restored to life and he tearfully embraces them. Later, Slade asks Alec how it feels to save the world, and Alec says the world isn't saved yet as Vandal Savage is still out there. Slade tells him the land needs a king and Alec says that Bruce has his own kingdom to rule, but Slade replies that he didn't mean Bruce.

Appearing in "Chapter Six: The Day the World Went Away"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:




  • Wintergreen's digger



  • Final issue.

See Also

Links and References
