Darkstars #14 is an issue of the series Darkstars (Volume 1) with a cover date of November, 1993.
Synopsis for "Trust and Consequences"
Ferrin Colos and his deputies see to the arrival of Kindar Bleeg, a criminal witness they have to protect on Earth. Even though Bleeg claims to be reformed, Colos is still reluctant of having him loose. The Darkstars drop Bleeg at a safe suburbian house.
Meanwhile, Daniiki sets a trap for Ferrin Colos, setting up a secret programming in John Flint's brain. Flint, unaware of his brainwashing, comes to the Darkstars office and asks Colos' help to follow a lead on the Syndicate. Colos receives the info and heads out to meet with Flint, leaving Carla and Mo free to respond to any emergency related to Bleeg. However, they encounter another kind of emergency in the form of a new metahuman called Powerhouse, wreaking havoc in a bank. The Darkstars overpower the electric-powered crook by drowning him in water. To Carla's surprise, she finds her father among the crowd, who criticize her for throwing away her law career and setting off to play "space cop." They argue, and Carla snaps at him, walking away angry at her father's boldness to criticize her.
Back in the office, Annie informs the deputies about a break-in at a high-tech company. The perp stole a guidance and navigation system, leaving a victim with missing parts. All hints seem to point at Bleeg, and Mo and Carla discuss if they should head to investigate.
Meanwhile, Colos and Flint follow the Syndicate's lead into an abandoned building. However, they walk into a trap, because Flint transforms into a mutant brute, programmed to kill Ferrin Colos.
Appearing in "Trust and Consequences"
Featured Characters:
- Darkstars
- Carla White
- Ferrin Colos
- Dirnu Jurnin
- Mo Douglas
Supporting Characters:
- Annie Bonelli
- John Flint
- Paul Noonan
- Daniiki
- Merle Tanker
- Baron
- Kindar Bleeg (First appearance)
- Powerhouse (First appearance)
Other Characters:
- Carla White's father
See Also