Darkworld is a magical dimension created by the dreams of a cosmic being. It serves as the home and power source for a group of ancient Atlantean gods and is the origin source of ancient Atlantean magic.[4]
Prime Earth
Long ago, the Darkworld dimension was created from a fragment of the Great Darkness.[1] It served as an abundant and limitless source of magical power fueled by imagination, empowering the ancient homo magi in their spellcasting. However, over time, the magic within the Darkworld dimension acquired a reputation for its unpredictable and uncontrollable nature, instilling fear in those who lacked a native connection to it.[2]
New Earth
Countless millennia ago, the Darkworld dimension came into existence when its namesake entity slumbered. The immense power of this entity manifested as magic, gods, and numerous inhabitants within the realm. Among the creations of Darkworld, Calculha served as its protector for a time.[3][4][5]
Around 45,000 BC, as the entity awoke from its slumber, the realm began to lose its power, causing a decline in the mystical abilities of those associated with it. For thousands of years, the power of Darkworld vanished, leaving beings like the sorcerer Arion and the Atlantean godly pantheon nearly devoid of power. The remnants of Darkworld eventually fell under the control of The Weaver.[6] In modern times, the Darkworld entity entered a slumber once again, connecting its magical energies to Earth as it had done in the past. With Arion's intervention, the entity merged with Daanuth and became trapped in a state between sleep and wakefulness. This resulted in the freezing of Darkworld's magical energies on Earth and the restoration of power to its former gods.[7]
Points of Interest
An infinitely vast realm[9], the dimension is infamously challenging to navigate due to its ever-changing nature. It is said that travel from Darkworld to other locations outside can only be accomplished through the same means by which one initially entered Darkworld.[10]
- Nexus: The point where Darkworld and other realms converge. It is a sentient pyramid structure housing a portal for exiting the dimension. In the Nexus, death is impossible as only one soul can pass through the portal at a time. The position of the Keeper is determined through battles, with the loser becoming the new Keeper. Arion's exceptional compassion while trapped in Darkworld resulted in the Nexus allowing him and the Keeper to use the portal simultaneously as a reward.[10]
- Darkworld (entity)
- Gods of Atlantis
- Demons
- Griffon
- Keeper
- Ghy
- Bjonju
- After Rebirth, Darkworld exists in a different format; it is said to be one of the names of Other Place used throughout history by magicians.[11]
- Because time flows differently for the unnamed cosmic entity, Darkworld's time does as well, with each year being the equivalent of 10,000 years on Earth.
See Also
- Appearances of Darkworld (realm)
- Location Gallery: Darkworld (realm)
- Catalogued images related to Darkworld (realm)
- ↑ 1.0 1.1 1.2 Justice League Dark (Volume 2) #3
- ↑ Justice League (Volume 4) #67
- ↑ Atlas of the DC Universe
- ↑ 4.0 4.1 Arion the Immortal #5
- ↑ Arion the Immortal #6
- ↑ Power Girl #4
- ↑ Arion the Immortal #6
- ↑ Arion Lord of Atlantis #7
- ↑ Arion Lord of Atlantis #32
- ↑ 10.0 10.1 Arion Lord of Atlantis #25
- ↑ Justice League Dark (Volume 2) #3