Detective Comics, Volume 3: Emperor Penguin is the third paperback to collect stories from the rebooted comic book series Detective Comics as part of The New 52. The stories in this paperback were published from December 2012 to May 2013 in Detective Comics.
This paperback collects the following comic books:
- Detective Comics (Volume 2) #13 (Duck and Cover and IQ Test)
- Detective Comics (Volume 2) #14 (Unnatural Selection and Seeds & Dirt)
- Detective Comics (Volume 2) #15 (The Dirt Nap and Love in Bloom)
- Detective Comics (Volume 2) #16 (Nothin' But Smiles and Pecking Order)
- Detective Comics (Volume 2) #17 (The Pursuit of Happiness and Doctor's Orders)
- Detective Comics (Volume 2) #18 (Return to Roost and A Cut Above)
- This trade paperback includes designs, sketches and layouts by Jason Fabok.