Detective Comics, Volume 5: Gothtopia is the fifth paperback to collect stories from the rebooted comic book series Detective Comics as part of The New 52.
This trade paperback reprints stories from the following issues:
- Detective Comics (Volume 2) #25 ("Whistleblower's Blues" and "Troubled Waters")
- Detective Comics (Volume 2) #26 ("Crown of Fear")
- Detective Comics (Volume 2) #27 ("Gothtopia, Part One: The Perfect Crime")
- Detective Comics (Volume 2) #28 ("Welcome to... Gothtopia, Part Two: The Maddening Crowd")
- Detective Comics (Volume 2) #29 ("Welcome to... Gothtopia, Part Three: The Truth And Nothing But")
- Detective Comics (Volume 2) #27 ("The Case of the Chemical Syndicate", "Old School", "Better Days", "Rain", "The Sacrifice" and "Twenty-Seven")
- This trade paperback contains pin-ups from Detective Comics (Volume 2) #27 and variant covers.