Detective Comics, Volume 4: The Wrath is a the fourth paperback collecting stories from the rebooted comic book series Detective Comics as part of The New 52.
This paperback reprints stories from the following comic books:
- Detective Comics (Volume 2) #19 ("The 900", "Birth of a Family", "Birdwatching" and "Through A Blue Lens")
- Detective Comics (Volume 2) #20 ("King for a Day" and "Empire of the Son")
- Detective Comics (Volume 2) #21 ("Shadows and Ghosts" and "Territorial")
- Detective Comics Annual (Volume 2) #2 ("Face in the Crowd", "Contained Multitudes" and "Harvey Bullock, This is Your Life")
- Detective Comics (Volume 2) #22 ("Targeting the Shield" and "My Better Half")
- Detective Comics (Volume 2) #23 ("Bat and Mouse" and "Marital Abyss")
- Detective Comics (Volume 2) #24 ("State of Shock")
- Detective Comics (Volume 2) #19 ("War Council")