DC Database

"Choice of Weapons": While Batman takes down criminals on the streets, he remembers his origins and the early days of his career when he was preparing for his debut as the caped crusader. Batman rescues two kidnapped children.

Quote1 No one will hurt you anymore. Quote2
Batman (Bruce Wayne)

Detective Comics #0 is an issue of the series Detective Comics (Volume 1) with a cover date of October, 1994.

Synopsis for "Choice of Weapons"

While Batman takes down criminals on the streets, he remembers his origins and the early days of his career when he was preparing for his debut as the caped crusader. Batman rescues two kidnapped children.

Appearing in "Choice of Weapons"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:



  • Batarangs (First appearance chronologically)



  • In October of 1994, all of the existing mainstream DC Comics titles released a special "0" issue to coincide with the Zero Hour crossover event. The purpose of the "0" issue was to reveal a previously unknown aspect of the title character's background. DC Titles under the Vertigo imprint were largely unaffected by Zero Hour and thus, no "0" issue specials were published for them.
  • This issue is reprinted in the Batman: Zero Hour trade paperback.

See Also

Recommended Reading

Links and References

Zero Hour TP
Zero Hour Crossover
DC Rebirth Logo

The events from this issue or series are related to Zero Hour: Crisis in Time!, or its successor event Zero Month. This template will automatically categorize articles that include it into the Zero Hour category.
