DC Database

"Murder in Skyland!": Batman and Robin try to solve the murder of the owner of a space-themed amusement park that floats in the sky above Gotham City . It proves to be a two-pronged investigation. The Dynamic Duo captures Blinky Cole,a

Detective Comics #303 is an issue of the series Detective Comics (Volume 1) with a cover date of May, 1962.

Synopsis for "Murder in Skyland!"

Batman and Robin try to solve the murder of the owner of a space-themed amusement park that floats in the sky above Gotham City . It proves to be a two-pronged investigation. The Dynamic Duo captures Blinky Cole,a Crime Syndicate saboteur who was trying to get the late Wally Dodd to pay protection money.But this turns out to have nothing to do with the murder. It develops the victim's nephew, to satisfy unpaid bills; had signed over a sizeable portion of his inheritance to a creditor. This creditor committed the murder, hoping to collect after the will was probated. After the murderer is captured, the rightful heir of the park reopens the business and everything goes back to normal.

Appearing in "Murder in Skyland!"

Featured Characters:


  • Al Bates (night club owner) (Single appearance)
  • Blinky Cole (an underworld saboteur) (Single appearance)

Other Characters:

  • Wally Dodd (founder of Skyland Amusement Park) (Appears only as a corpse)
  • John Hanson (a technical advisor) (Single appearance)
  • Lee Marlowe (an architect) (Single appearance)
  • Paul Dodd (Wally's nephew) (Single appearance)




Synopsis for "The Great J'onn J'onzz Hunt"

When the Martian Manhunter has to save person after person from disasters in Middletown, he is baffled as to the reason for the events, until he nabs two crooks attacking a warehouse manager. The crooks tell him that their boss has been seeking out J'onn J'onzz's Earth identity by eliminating suspects from a list, and they flatly tell him that the only person left whom he could be is John Jones. J'onzz remembers that he saved a plane which he was aboard recently when its engines conked out, and the gang boss and a confederate happened to be on a passing plane and saw him, deducing he had to be one of the passengers on the plane. J'onzz throws off the gangster's suspicions by using his powers to make it seem he is saving a plane that John Jones is aboard. Then he captures the gang boss and his cronies. Later, Captain Harding tells Jones about two crooks in jail who are insisting that Jones is the Martian Manhunter, but the rescue incident has convinced Harding that the two cannot be one and the same.

Appearing in "The Great J'onn J'onzz Hunt"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • unnamed crooks (Single appearance)

Other Characters:

  • unnamed plane passengers (Single appearance)



  • None


  • None


See Also

Links and References
