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"Batman: "The Round-Robin Death Threats!"": Bruce Wayne receives a mysterious letter that burns spontaneously as soon as he has finished reading it and from the ashes comes a strange chemical that forces him to act strangely. He is utterly compelled to reach [[James G

Detective Comics #366 is an issue of the series Detective Comics (Volume 1) with a cover date of August, 1967.

Synopsis for Batman: "The Round-Robin Death Threats!"

Bruce Wayne receives a mysterious letter that burns spontaneously as soon as he has finished reading it and from the ashes comes a strange chemical that forces him to act strangely. He is utterly compelled to reach Commissioner Gordon's house in order to dial a frequency on the radio. On his way there, Batman takes a detour to stop a crime in progress and as soon as he is done, he rushes to Gordon's home. In the meantime, Alfred has informed Dick Grayson about the strange events and the teen wonder analyzes the remains of the burnt letter in the Batcave using special equipment that allows him to recreate the original letter. When Robin learns the content of the letter, he rushes to meet Batman at Gordon's place and stops him from tuning on the radio dial.

Robin manages to arrive in time to stop Commissioner Gordon from tuning on the radio frequency and a few seconds later, from the radio comes a dart that would have murdered Gordon. Batman finally comes out of his trance and after Robin explains the nature of the message in the letter, they undertand that Batman has been a victim of a murder plot, but after this realization, Commissioner Gordon falls into a similar trance and he starts going towards what the Dynamic Duo assume would be another murder attempt.

The heroes prevent Gordon from killing another man, and they do so with the next victim. The chain goes on until Batman and Robin are not able to follow the latest victim of the strange trance. After hours of unsuccessful search, they return home and Robin decides to go to bed, since he has to go to school early the next day. In the meantime, Batman starts writing a message for Robin in which he explains that all of the people who had been used in the murder chain were responsible for the capture of a dangerous criminal in the past and that it is most likely that they all have been marked to die by that same person. Batman has also deduced that the last target in the murder chain is none other than Bruce Wayne, and he finishes his clue for Robin, which he has written in the style of a last will.

Appearing in Batman: "The Round-Robin Death Threats!"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • Doc Hastings (First appearance)(Flashback only)

Other Characters:

  • John Kobler (First appearance)
  • Fred Tinney (sports writer) (First appearance)




Synopsis for Elongated Man: "Robber Round-Up in Kiddy City!"

Ralph Dibny and his wife Sue are at a service station in Prairie City when Sue notices a man renting a car. She notices that the man keeps turning down the same model car but settles on the sixth choice which is exactly the same as the others. Dibny tries to dismiss his wifes observations but Sue remain insistent that there is something suspicious going on. Ralph decides to approach the man to ask about his choice in cars. He introduces himself as a salesman named Booth. He sells burglar proof devices to art museums and he reveals that he is very superstitious. He was merely trying to locate the same car that he had the last time he was in town because he had made a big sale and he was hoping that having the same care would bring him luck. Ralph bids the salesman good bye and relates the story back to his wife. Sue is still suspicious and insists that they follow the car. They follow the car to a museum and become suspicious that the salesman is visiting at such a late hour. All of a sudden they hear gunshots and observe a group of men emerging from the museum and climbing into the car they were following. The car takes off and Dibny continues to pursue it. The Elongated man manages to stop the car by stretching out and taking the keys out of the ignition. The criminals flee on foot but Dibny follows them as they run into an amusement park called Kiddy City. He combats the group of burglars who attempt to stretch him to his limit but Elongated man recovers and manages to subdue the crooks. The fight comes to an end at a replica of Noah's Ark. Ralph and Sue are then seen having coffee with the salesman Mr Booth. He was apparently not involved in the museum heist. The crooks had knocked him out as he arrived for a meeting at the museum and they had commandeered his car. He states that he still considers that car to be lucky because he had managed to sell the museum a security device in light of the recent robbery. Dibny then tries to get Sue to admit that her womans intuition about the salesman and the car were wrong but Sue insists that it was her intuition that led them to the crime.

Appearing in Elongated Man: "Robber Round-Up in Kiddy City!"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • Art Thieves (Mike named) (Single appearance)

Other Characters:

  • Booth (a salesman) (Single appearance)


  • Prairie City


  • None


  • the Dibny's car


See Also

Recommended Reading

Links and References

Batman 0585
DC Bullet 2024

Summary Needed

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Look at how sad this is making Batman. You did this.