DC Database

Princess Diana is Wonder Woman, the daughter of Hippolyta, Queen of the Amazons. Diana volunteered to leave behind her home of Paradise Island and champion the Amazons' message of peace, fighting for justice in Man's World and becoming a member of the Justice League.

Princess Diana was born on Paradise Island where she secretly participated in a competition organized by her mother Hippolyta to choose the champion of the Amazons who would represent them in Man's World, after passing all the tests and winning, her mother chose her to become Wonder Woman and be the champion of the Amazons.

Within the Man's World she began to work for a secret agency of the United States government in Washington, D.C., to hide her real identity she decided to create the secret identity of Diana Prince. Later she would meet and become friends with Superman and Batman.[1]

After receiving a call from Batman about a dragon statue that came to life, Wonder Woman took off in her Invisible Plane heading to Gotham City to help Batman and Superman, together they try to stop the dragon, they manage to catch it, and after Wonder Woman convinces the dragon to abandon evil magic, it agrees, turning back into a statue, saving the city.[2][1]







Justice League 0002
Justice League member
DC Bullet 2024

This character has been a member of the Justice League of America, or simply the Justice League in any of its various incarnations, sworn by a duty to act as guardians of America and the world by using their skills and/or superpowers to protect Earth from the clutches of both interstellar and domestic threats.
This template will categorize articles that include it into the "Justice League of America members" category.
