DC Database

Dinah, also known as the Black Canary, is a young woman with a powerful magic scream who was captured and imprisoned by the House of El.

When Bat-Prince tried to arrest Dinah she attacked him with the full power of her scream, which obliterated a wall of the building they were standing in but left Bruce largely unharmed, to both their shock. Prince Kal-El easily restrained her while Bruce was recovering, and Bruce then knocked her unconscious. The princes carried her back to the Castle of El.[1]

Dinah was imprisoned in the dungeons at the Castle of El and kept bound and gagged to prevent her using her scream. A one-armed man in a nearby cell was able to flick a stone at exactly the right spot to knock off her locked metal gag. He told her that his name was Oliver and that he was in prison for assassinating Jor-El. Dinah told Oliver that her scream could destroy the dungeon walls, but she could not control it and would bring the castle down on top of them if she tried. Oliver offered to teach her how to better aim her scream and free them both.[2]

As he was tutoring her, Queen Lara came down to the dungeon and began murdering the prisoners with her heat vision. With no more time to waste, Oliver yelled at Dinah to hit Lara and she screamed down to corridor, knocking Lara away and blasting the doors of the cells. Knowing that Lara would soon be coming after them, Oliver got Dinah to blast through to the next room, which turned out to be the armoury. Dinah told Oliver to get a weapon and, when he told her he could no longer use a bow without his arm, she advised him to take a crossbow.

Dinah blasted through the external wall, where they saw a full pitched battle going on outside. Lara chased after them and they attempted to flee through the battle. Suddenly Lara was tackled down to Earth by her exact doppleganger. The battle paused as the three armies stopped fighting and for a moment stared in silent shock at the two Lara's. Alfred yelled to use fire against her and so Oliver lit a crossbow bolt and shot the Lara who had been chasing them in the chest with a flaming crossbow bolt. She burst into flames and transformed into a white-skinned monster. The El's attempted to capture the creature but it flew away and vanished into thin air.[3]

The Bat-Prince released Dinah and the other prisoners with an apology, having learned the error of his ways.[4] Dinah took part in the defence of the Castle of El from the inavders. When they attempted to attack the Amazon camp in the form of a cloud of smoke, her scream dispersed the cloud and forced them to take solid form, allowing the Amazons to fight them.[5]



