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"The Mind Molder": A pressgang interviews Doctor Clark Savage in New York upon his arrival at his old headquarters in New York, the 86th floor of the Empire State Building, where he is moving operations from his Fortress of Solitude. Savage politely answers some questions and on his way inside

Quote1 I'm gonna bribe Dr. Kalker to make me young, and you even older, shyster. Quote2
Monk Mayfair

Doc Savage (Volume 2) #7 is an issue of the series Doc Savage (Volume 2) with a cover date of April, 1989.

Synopsis for "The Mind Molder"

A pressgang interviews Doctor Clark Savage in New York upon his arrival at his old headquarters in New York, the 86th floor of the Empire State Building, where he is moving operations from his Fortress of Solitude. Savage politely answers some questions and on his way inside saves the life of one of the movers from a falling crate.

At the loading dock, the movers are knocked unconscious by a gas grenade. After the gas dissipates a squad of criminals rush in and put on the movers' clothing. More criminals get inside the moving crates. One of the criminals delivers a crate to the 86th floor where Savage and his compatriots are commiserating. Savage immediately determines that the mover is an impostor and clocks him. The other men come out of the crates and Doc and his crew make short work of them.

Once that is done, their leader shows herself: Patricia Savage. Doc and his friends have trouble believing it is really Patricia Savage, since she should be an old lady. Doc runs a battery of tests that conclude she really is Patricia Savage. Patricia tells them a Dr. Kalker perfected a method of stopping the aging process that she bought and made some modifications that allowed her to turn back the aging process on herself. She tells Savage and his men that the process can work on them too. Doc agrees his compatriots should use the process if they choose.

Doc and Pat Savage, Monk Mayfair and Hal Brooks fly to Dr. Kalker's compound on an island in the Caribbean. Dr. Kalker welcomes the group and shows them to their rooms. He then reports to another man in a shady room and tells him that they suspect nothing.

That night, Doc Savage sneaks out the window of his room and scales the wall to the floor above where he reenters the building. On that floor, Doc sees two guards standing sentry in front of a door and he knocks them both unconscious, freeing the real, aged, Patricia Savage from the room. Patricia tells her cousin that she was captured by a man named Morgenthal the day after Doc's return. The two escape to the shore, where Doc summons a waiting submarine with a transmitter.

Doc and his crew arm themselves and assault the compound, intending to free Ham, Monk and the others. During the process Pat Savage is captured again. When Doc and his friends arrive, Morgenthal threatens to kill the hostages. Doc and his men drop their weapons and allow themselves to be gassed. The gas Morgenthal uses takes away people's free will, resulting in their loyalty.

Appearing in "The Mind Molder"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:

  • Patricia Savage
  • Monk Mayfair
  • Ham Brooks
  • Chip Savage
  • Shosharonna Gold


  • Morgenthal

Other Characters:



  • Gas Grenade


  • Helicopter
  • Jet

See Also

Recommended Reading

Links and References
