DC Database

"Raise the Kahn, Chapter Four: Cat and Mouse": The quest for the Apis Bull continues! While Doc fends off a horde of bruiser Neanderthals, the elusive Russian woman gives him the slip. Can he catch her and convince her to share her story? And The Fabulous Five put their survivalist knowledge to

Quote1 C'mon, you mooks! Let's do this! Quote2

Doc Savage (Volume 3) #16 is an issue of the series Doc Savage (Volume 3) with a cover date of September, 2011. It was published on July 13, 2011.

Synopsis for "Raise the Kahn, Chapter Four: Cat and Mouse"

The quest for the Apis Bull continues! While Doc fends off a horde of bruiser Neanderthals, the elusive Russian woman gives him the slip. Can he catch her and convince her to share her story? And The Fabulous Five put their survivalist knowledge to the test as they traipse across the unforgiving Russian steppes!

Appearing in "Raise the Kahn, Chapter Four: Cat and Mouse"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • Popov
  • Neanderthal Mob
  • John Sunlight (Flashback only)

Other Characters:

  • Anya Afanasy
  • Major Afanasy
  • Ambassador Mihailov (Dies in flashback)



  • Apis Bull



  • This story arc concludes in Doc Savage #18, which was released in digital form. The last "print" issue of the series was issue #17.

See Also

Links and References

Batman 0585
DC Bullet 2024

Summary Needed

This page is missing a well-written and detailed synopsis. If there is already a synopsis here, it might need to be modified or expanded. You can help the DC Database by adding a summary of the story.
Look at how sad this is making Batman. You did this.