Architecture and Mortality is a humorous Doctor 13 storyline written by Brian Azzarello and illustrated by Cliff Chiang. It originally appeared as a back-up feature to the Spectre in Tales of the Unexpected. Doctor 13 assembles a group of outcast characters called Team 13 including Anthro, Captain Fear, Genius Jones, Infectious Lass, I...Vampire, Pryemaul and Traci Thirteen. They fight against the Architects, a reality-warping team representing DC's top writers at the time, to prove the value of their own existence.
- Tales of the Unexpected (Volume 2) #1
- Tales of the Unexpected (Volume 2) #2
- Tales of the Unexpected (Volume 2) #3
- Tales of the Unexpected (Volume 2) #4
- Tales of the Unexpected (Volume 2) #5
- Tales of the Unexpected (Volume 2) #6
- Tales of the Unexpected (Volume 2) #7
- Tales of the Unexpected (Volume 2) #8
Links and References