The first volume of Doctor Fate was a four-issue mini-series which introduced Eric and Linda Strauss, the couple who became the second Doctor Fate. It ran from July to October of 1987. The series also featured the death of Kent Nelson, the original Doctor Fate.
See Also
- Doctor Fate Recommended Reading
- The Book of Fate (Volume 1)
- Countdown to Mystery (Volume 1)
- Doctor Fate (Volume 1)
- Doctor Fate (Volume 2)
- Doctor Fate (Volume 3)
- Doctor Fate (Volume 4)
- Fate (Volume 1)
- The Flash (Volume 1): The Flash #306– #313
- Helmet of Fate (Volume 1)
- Immortal Doctor Fate (Volume 1)
- JSA (Volume 1)
- More Fun Comics (Volume 1)