Doctor Fate (Volume 2) with a cover date of August, 1989.
Synopsis for "Food For Thought"
Manhattan is a raging inferno of elemental forces unleashed by Indra, the Lord of the Fourth Heaven who has arrived to the city to stop Joachim Hesse. Deadman and Doctor Fate have joined forces to talk Indra out of destroying Manhattan, but he wouldn't listen. Unfortunately, none of them can't stop Hesse, who is protected by a magical barrier within his building. Fate and Deadman struggle with Indra, to no avail, as the god is more powerful than them and is willing to destroy Manhattan to stop Hesse.
At that moment, Nabu takes care of the sick Eric Strauss, who falls unconscious after having a revelation and a light-energy comes ouf of his body and travels across the city until it merges with Fate. Suddenly, Doctor Fate knows how to break the magical barrier protecting Hesse's building and they all reach into the man's apartment to stop him. However, Hesse is protected under the magic circle and they can't stop him unless he steps out of the circle. Deadman comes up with a clever plan and lures Hesse out of the circle with food. Hesse's plan to become the new Indra fails and the Lord of the Fourth Heaven returns to his plane of existence after repairing the damage done to Manhattan.
After Deadman has also returned to wherever he came from, Linda, Petey and Jack Small return to the apartment, where Nabu informs them that Eric Strauss has died.
In the meantime, Darkseid is preparing his next move which somehow involves the Lords of Chaos and the Lords of Order.
Appearing in "Food For Thought"
Featured Characters:
- Doctor Fate (Linda Strauss)
- Indra
- Deadman
- Petey
Supporting Characters:
- Jack Small
- Nabu (in Kent Nelson's body)
- Eric Strauss (Apparent Death)
- Joachim Hesse (Final appearance)
Other Characters:
- Darkseid (Cameo)
- Lords of Chaos (Cameo)
- Lords of Order (Cameo)
See Also