The Doom Patrol is a team of superheroes that raised Beast Boy as part of their adoptive family.
When the Titans were debating the worth of being a sidekick, Cyborg temporarily worked with Robotman as his sidekick. At that time, the Doom Patrol was defeated by their enemy General Immortus. Robotman sprung into action to stop Immortus, but Cyborg distracted him, saying he didn't want to fight an elderly man. Due to his interference, Cyborg was fired as Robotman's sidekick. [1]
- Though the Doom Patrol were first introduced in continuity in Teen Titans Go! (Volume 2) #28, the team would be re-designed and re-introduced in the show over a year later in the episode That's What's Up!.
See Also
- 4 Appearances of Doom Patrol (Teen Titans Go! TV Series)
- 3 Images that include Doom Patrol (Teen Titans Go! TV Series)
- Team Gallery: Doom Patrol (Teen Titans Go! TV Series)
Links and References