Earth-95 was an alternate universe in which Jor-El and Lara enlarged their rocketship so they could all go to Earth.
This universe was presumably destroyed during the Crisis on Infinite Earths event, and then (presumably) retroactively saved from destruction during the Convergence event.
- Brainiac
- Jax-Ur
- Jonathan Kent
- Martha Kent
- Krypto
- Lana Lang
- Lewis Lang
- Sarah Lang
- Lori Lemaris/Lori Lang
- Lex Luthor
- Mister Mxyzptlk
- Chief Parker
- Superboy (Kal-El/Cal Ellton)
- Superboy (Clark Kent)
- Superman (Jor-El/Joe Ellton)
- Superwoman (Lara/Laura Ellton)
- Perry White
- The Super Family from Krypton! was originally published as an imaginary story, a story outside of regular continuity. In Crisis on Infinite Earths: The Compendium, it was retconned as having happened on another Earth, .
See Also
- Characters from Earth-95
- Other things related to Earth-95
- Earth-95's Comic Appearances
- Reality Gallery: Earth-95
Links and References