Earth-ABC, the ABC Universe, is the home of the long-lived adventurous Science Hero Tom Strong, mystical champion Promethea, screwball 'heroes' The First American and Splash Brigannan, Indigo City defenders Cobweb and Greyshirt, prepubescent ultra-genius Jack B. Quick, and police officers Toybox and Smax, among others.
- Earth-ABC is part of a larger Multiverse itself, including the various alternate reality precincts collaborating with the main ABC universes' Precinct 10 (colloquially known as Top Ten), a more traditionally superheroic universe designated Earth A home to Tom and Tesla Terrific (itself with an evil counterpart reality known as Earth B with Tiberius "Black Tom" Strong and Twyla Strong),[2] a universe where the Aztek empire survived to become Multiversal conquerors,[3] and a universe of anthropomorphic animals and inanimate objects operating on different laws of physics defended by the rabbit Warren Strong.[2] The main ABC universe has been referred to by some other universes as both Earth-2058[3] and Earth-C.[2]
- During the Rebirth era, Earth-ABC has been stated to be "25 wavelengths" from Earth 0 which suggested that it is now labeled Earth 25 in the Post-Flashpoint Multiverse.[1]
- Earth 0 The Flash/Barry Allen confirmed that Earth 25 is the real Earth designation of this continuity.[4]
- This makes it opposite to Earth 31 in the multiversal structure.
- "Earth-ABC" is not an official name.
- Earth-ABC's super-powered champions are referred to as Science Heroes, rather than super-heroes.
- The amazing parallel world of Terra Obscura is located in the same universe as Earth-ABC, but on the other side of the Milky Way Galaxy. It is inhabited by the Science-Heroes of SMASH, made up of Golden Age mystery men originally published by Nedor Comics who are now in the public domain.
- After World War II, the vast majority of Earth-ABC's science heroes were relocated to the city of Neopolis, as their rapidly growing rogues galleries and supporting casts became too much for society at large to handle;[5] only select teams such as America's Best continued regular operation.
See Also
- Characters from Earth-ABC
- Other things related to Earth-ABC
- Earth-ABC's Comic Appearances
- Reality Gallery: Earth-ABC
Links and References